Zeiler Rechtsanwälte GmbH
The ICON Vienna (Tower 17, Floor 14) Wiedner Gürtel 11
1100 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 8901087-0
E [email protected]
FN 416503 f, Vienna Commercial Court (HG Wien)
VAT registration number: ATU 68743737
We are Austrian attorneys at law under the supervision of the Vienna Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien, RAK). The applicable professional rules like the lawyers’ act (Rechtsanwaltsordnung, RAO), the guidelines for the exercise of the legal profession, for the supervision of the duties of the attorney at law and for the professional training of associates (Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes und für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und des Rechtsanwaltsanwärters, RL-BA) and the disciplinary statute of both attorneys and associates (Disziplinarstatut, DSt) are available at
Line of business: Our line of business is the exercise of the legal profession including auxiliary activities and the management of the assets of the company (§ 21c Z 6 RAO).
This website is directed to clients and other interested persons and aimed at presenting the firm and giving information on legal news and developments.
Concept and screen design:, Karin Amber
Photos:, Karin Amber